Here are some resources for getting started on your #ungrading journey. I'll add to this page periodically, focusing on stuff not blocked by a paywall!
- Ungrading: an Introduction (from Jesse Stommel)
- Ungrading: an FAQ (from Jesse Stommel)
- So, you want to take the grade out of teaching? A beginner's guide to ungrading (from Susan D. Blum)
- Why I ungrade, and a How-To Primer (from Celeste Leander)
- Ungrading as Emancipation (from Laura Gibbs)
- An awesome ungrading Google Folder (from Sybil Priebe)
- Ungrading Toolkit (from Anthony Lince)
- Reflections of a first-time ungrader (from Bob van Vliet)
- What to do before you do alternative grading (from Robert Talbert)
- Alternative Grading in Online Learning (from Sharon Lauricella)
- TG2 Resource Share — Getting Started (from Arthur Chiaravalli)
- Going Gradeless This Year? Just Thinking About It? Start Here. (from Theresa Walter)